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Matt Hertendy

Fringe Review: Rideshares & Rope Swings

60 minutes | Comedy, Drama | PG I’ve got to be honest, I was excited for this show. But when I got there, my excitement totally paid off. Hah! Classic misdirect! Rideshares and Rope Swings is an absolutely astonishing comedy about life and death featuring the terrific pairing of Zoe Towne and Matt Hertendy. Matt […]

Fringe Review: Rideshares & Rope Swings

60 minutes | Comedy, Drama | PG Heartwarming, heart-wrenching, adorable and charming: Genevieve (Zoe Towne) and Reid (Matt Hertendy) have incredible onstage chemistry. Rapid-fire dialogue, hilarious one-liners, brilliant writing, and wonderfully elaborate characters: this is a show that has everything (and a little bit of unexpected more). Two strangers embark on a sixteen-hour-long rideshare to […]