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Kel MacDonald

Fringe Review: RAVEMOMS

RAVEMOMS Created by Kel MacDonald and Hilary Peck Produced by The Precariat (Ottawa, Canada) 60M | Content Notes: Abrupt Loud Noise, Audience Participation, Mature Language, Sexual Content, Mental Health Topics, Flashing Lights Never have I ever left a Fringe show as sweaty as I did for RAVEMOMS. Upon entering the venue, patrons are greeted by […]

Fringe Review: @SadClown420xx

Colin Noden: “SadClown is not a self-indulgent depressive. She’s trying. She’s hopeful that the next thing that comes her way will be life-transforming. Diving right in and giving it her all can get pretty messy. But she’s willing to give it a go.”