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Brian Carroll

Theatre Reviewer

Brian Carroll has written theatre reviews for Apartment 613 since 2010. As well, he writes articles about local astronomy events. He also interviews storytellers and theatre professionals for previews and profiles. You can follow him on Twitter @BrianMCarroll.

Fringe Review: The Beauty We Carry

A verbatim documentary play about facing death. Brian Carroll: “like new spring growth breaking through cold winter soil, a new pattern emerges. Out of deep sorrow and suffering, glimmers of resilience start to appear. Even as circumstances become more and more dire, the interviewees find inner strengths with which to face extraordinary difficulties.”

Theatre Review: Heartlines at GCTC—until April 3

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear t-shirts, camouflage, and body armour. Some wear skirts or pants and have artistic skills that are tested by extraordinary circumstances. Playwright Sarah Waiswisz’s Heartlines demonstrates that heroism can have unlikely beginnings.

Fringe Review: Now Where Was I?

Briane Nasimok has been near several famous names in stand-up comedy, theatre, film, and television (I won’t give away their names because most of them get revealed in a punch line), but hasn’t caught the brass ring. He’s been a warm-up man, entertaining the audience before the cameras roll. He’s had bit parts in forgotten films alongside actors, writers, and directors who went on to illustrious careers.